API and Manual Testing of Basic Features on "SHORT-IT" (a URL Shortener App)
A URL shortener mobile application was designed by the Product designers and coded by the developers and afterwards tested by the Quality Assurance. A URL shortener is basically an app that helps users turn cumbersome links into a shorter, readable links, one that is easy to copy and share. For illustration, if you were trying to share a document (say, an excel sheet saved on a cloud drive) to your colleagues at work. You would be able to take an ugly looking link such as this: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/wisdom_wy2gA.. and turn it into something like: bit.ly/3UW1UT9
API meaning Application Programming Interface was developed for this application and integrated with the frontend interface to be fully functional. Before the API was integrated with the frontend interface, some important features were tested on POSTMAN and those features are: Sign up, Sign In, Create short URL, Get all URL’s, log out and redirect URL features.
Find some screenshot of the app user interface;
a. App Icon:
b. Login Page:
c. Signup Page:
Below are brief summary of all the tests done and also refer to this link to see a full report of the test results docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VbTJmL_wy2g..
- Sign up page: A test was conducted on the sign up feature to check the behaviour of the sign up when user enters all required details. The result turned out to be successful. Refer to this image and video for details.
- Login: Test conducted on the login with a valid credentials turned out to be successful.
- Logout: A test was conducted on the app to ascertain if user can log out of the application successfully and the result was successful. That means a user can log out from the app and then the user will be redirected to the login page.
- Remember Me (Login Feature): A test was conducted on the remember me feature to check that when users mistakenly leave/close the app - on opening the app again, they are automatically logged back into their accounts, without having to input their login details again.
- Invalid Credentials (Log In): A test was done on the app's log in protocol, To confirm that users get an error message and don’t get access to their account in a situation where the log in details entered are incorrect.
- URL Field: A user should be able to seamlessly input into the app, the url they want to shorten. To this effect, a test was done on the url field and it was also successful, meaning a user can successfully input URL's into the app. Refer to video for more clarification;
- Clear Button: A test was conducted to verify that users can actually delete contents in the field using the clear button.
- Shorten Button: A test was performed to confirm that users actually shorten links using the shorten button.
- Result Field: A test was carried out to ensure that users can easily view the shortened link in the result field.
- Copy Button: A test was conducted to confirm that users can make a copy of an already shortened URL.
- Save Button: A test was carried out to confirm that users can save a copy of an already shortened URL on the app for future use.
- View Password: Finally, a test was performed to ensure users were able to view the password they are entering using this feature, in case they need to make corrections
In conclusion, the app functionalities were all working perfectly. All the test were carried out in collaboration with my team members namely; Godwin Oyale, Vivian Nwagbara and Ifedapo Adeoye.